Products and Services

wekomm - innovative solutions for demanding problems 

Our proceeding is interdisciplinary and combines the use of newest cutting edge technology as well as old and historic know how, even long forgotten construction and production technology. This is how we approach every single task with the appropriate method.

Our competence allows us to research in groundbreaking and complex technologies up to the development and production of custom specific solutions.

In metrologie research we carry cooperation and technology-transfer-projects very closely with top national research institutes like Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB). As well as small and medium businesses as huge international companies trust in our exceptional knowledge in technology and problem solving as also in our creativity and flexibility.


Electronic Development


Special Components


The development and production of electronic components for digital standard applications is a mainly software based and very efficient procedure. 

Special applications (like metrology) require special procedures .. 

Every time when exceptional levels in precision, speed, quality and reliability are needed, they can usually only be realized by highly complex analogue designs. So in our repertoire you will find digital design and „embedded circuits“. In addition we carry a very good know how in the nowadays neglected technology of analogue design from the 1950/60/70 and 80 years.  This enables us to understand and replicate the inner designs needed for precision behind the digital values.

We do not stop when development is finished. If you like, we can carry out the bring-up and mass production including procurement. All services from one supplier.

You need more precision, more robustness or some other property built into your measurement equipment?

Talk with us.

We develop and produce a new generation of your measurement equipment. Either as a single unit or as a complete development for mass production. Our level of precision meets the highest demands from NMIs, CalLabs or production industry / OEM.

A lot of components, taylored for the precision metrology are sometimes very difficult to obtain. Worldwide you will find only a few manufacturers producing such special components along their mass production.

We carry a wide range of those components and can usually deliver from our stock or get those components in short term. With all components you can count on the excellent wekomm quality.

In terms of  ISO 9001 and modern quality management, measurement instruments need to be calibrated on a regular base. We calibrate the electrical units resistor, DC current and voltage, AC current and voltage as well as frequency. Our uncertainties count to the best values available on the market, suitable for research, development and production. 

We use the finest measuring instruments available, Our references are calibrated at PTB or are traceable to other NMIs like NIST. Our accreditation for a DAkkS laboratory is underway but calibration is already possible - of course.

© wekomm engineering GmbH 2024